I like how Greer encourages us to examine the premises or cultural currents that undergird our belief systems. I don't think the myth of moral dualism is inherently flawed. Yes, history has demonstrated terrible abuses of the us/them groupthink, but going with the spirit of examining myths rather than ignoring them, perhaps the us/them theme (with humanitarian guardrails) provides a way to foster a sense of identity. Clear boundaries of this is me and this is you doesn't need to lead to war. I think his suggestion of two belief systems becoming incomplete without the other actually erases identity, and if humans have craved a sense of identity from the beginning of storytelling time, then it seems unrealistic to try to remove that. Instead, fostering an understanding of our differences and a celebration of each other with an acknowledgement of differences seems a more feasible goal. But maybe I'm wrong---maybe people out there want to meld together into one happy mutually compatible belief system where no one is right or wrong.

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